Monday, 6 November 2017

Wilsons Snipe.On the 3rd of November it was the last day of my two week holiday on the magical isles of Scilly and as the boat back to penzance was leaving at 2oclock my partner Kerry and i decided not to stray too far so we decided to bird lower moors for the morning .After watching Snipe for the best part of two hours i noticed a Snipe behind the reeds open its wings and immediately noticed an overall dark dusky underwing heavily barred,although hidden by reeds most of the time it did come out into the open where i managed to photograph it preening its tail.As time was running out before we had to get on the boat i informed Spider Kriss Webb that i thought i had a good candidate for a Wilsons i also text Adam Hutt some images off the back of my camera and he also thought it looked promising .Since then i have had some expert feed back who agree.Spider has today relocated the bird and got some amazing images,visit his blog to view at Scilly spider.


  1. What an amazing find,great piece of observation Mark,and excellent Birding skills.

  2. Merci de nous faire partager toutes vos superbes photos d'oiseaux.
